Play #1: Prospect Engagement

The Prospect Engagement report provides an overview of the level of engagement and interactions with potential customers or clients.

Unlock the Potential of Sales and Marketing with a Prospect Engagement Report

A Prospect Engagement report helps to identify the effectiveness of sales and marketing efforts by tracking and analyzing the level of engagement and interactions with potential customers or clients.


  • Description: Number of unique Leads/contacts across all touchpoints with Responded Status.
  • Report: Campaigns with Campaign Members
  • Group by: Campaign and Status, Unique count of Emails
  • Filters: 
    • All campaigns
    • Email does not include (company domain)
    • Status = Responded


Number of unique Leads/contacts across all touch points with Responded Status.

Gain insights into the effectiveness of your sales and marketing efforts by analyzing the level of engagement and interactions with potential customers or clients. This information can then be used to identify areas for improvement and make data-driven decisions to optimize lead generation, lead nurturing, and ultimately increase conversions and revenue.


View the level of engagement and interactions with potential customers or clients.

A B2B company specializes in providing enterprise software solutions to large organizations. The company's sales team is responsible for reaching out to potential clients and nurturing leads. However, the sales team has been struggling to close deals and achieve their sales targets. The marketing team decides to implement a Prospect Engagement report to gain insights into the effectiveness of their sales and marketing efforts.

The report is used to track and analyze the level of engagement and interactions of potential clients with the company's website, emails, and social media platforms. The data collected in the report shows that while the company is generating a large number of leads, a significant number of them are not progressing further down the sales funnel.


This report provides different insights to different groups.
  • Marketing Teams: Track engagement with campaigns

  • Sales Teams: Tracking and analyzing the level of engagement and interactions with potential customers or clients

  • CMO & Head of Sales: Evaluate the performance of the sales and marketing teams

How to build it

Looking for more?

Download the entire Marketing Reporting Playbook below. Get access to all 10 report templates and instructions of how to build them in Salesforce.

Sign up for the mini course

We are putting together a mini course showing you step by step how to build all the Salesforce reports in the Reporting Playbook for Marketers. Click below to get notified when it gets released.

Need some help?

If you need some help setting up your marketing reporting suite in Salesforce, why not book some time with us to see where we can help.

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